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The state of the world's refugees

  • ISBN10: 0199290954
  • Verlag: Oxford University Press, New York
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Broschiert
  • Format: 19 x 24.5 cm
  • Anzahl Seiten: 237
  • Jahrgang: 2006

  • Zustandsbeschreibung: Bibliothekskennzeichnung vorhanden, Ecken leicht bestossen
SFr. 7.00


Human displacement in the new millennium 

This new Report from the UNHCR, the first since 2000, provides an up-to-date and highly accessible overview of recent key developments related to internal and cross-border displacement of people throughout the world. As well as analyzing policy issues, it provides a wealth of statistical graphs, tables, and maps.