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The Art of Seeing

  • Autor: Weston J. Naef
  • Illustrationen / Abbildungen: s/w Bilder
  • Verlag: Metropolitan Museum of Art Design
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Broschiert
  • Format: B 21.5cm x H 28.0cm
  • Anzahl Seiten: 64
  • Jahrgang: 1978

  • Zustandsbeschreibung:

    Papier am Rand minim fleckig, Randläsuren und Ecken bestossen, Seitenschnitt fleckig

SFr. 18.00


Photographs from the Alfred Stieglitz Collection.


In the winter of 1902 General Luigi Palma de Cesnola, Director of THe Metropolitan Museum of Art, was asked by the Duke of Abruzzi, a drector of Turin's International Expositions od Modern Decorative Arts, to organize an exhibit of important American photographs. General de Cesnola learned that best person to advise him was Alfred Stieglitz, a talented photographer and the most serious collector of photographs in the United States and possibly the world. (...)