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Old & Middle Kingdom Art In Ancient Egypt (2Volumes)

  • Autor: Cyril Aldred
  • Illustrationen / Abbildungen: B/W-photos
  • Verlag: Alec Tiranti LTD., London
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: -
  • Einband / Schutzumschlag: Hardcover & Dustjacket
  • Format: kl. 8°
  • Anzahl Seiten: 40 & 56
  • Jahrgang: 1949 / 1950

  • Zustandsbeschreibung:  Hardcover book in good condition. Dustjacket few touched and along the borders few damaged (see picture)
SFr. 17.00


In these volumes the writer surveys the austere, classical art of the Old&Middle Kingdom in Egypt from 3200-2300 and 2300-1590 B.C.
A descriptive catalogue gives full details of the specimens selected.  It furnishes a commentary and a map and historical summary have been provided with the main needs of the general reader.