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The new Beginning

  • ISBN10: 1888053097
  • Autor: Kryon
  • Verlag: Lee Carol
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Broschiert
  • Format: 14x21cm
  • Anzahl Seiten: 384
  • Jahrgang: 2002

  • Zustandsbeschreibung:

    like new

SFr. 14.00


The Ninth Book of The Kryon Series...

“The bestselling Kryon series of books has over
67 unique volumes in over 15 languages and has
been around for a decade. This is due in part
because its following continues to support it. Why?
This book is an example. Filled with more heartwarming
channellings from the angelic being called
‘Kryon,’ it enables us, gives us a hug, and paints a
picture of hope for Earth.

During a time of intense unrest on the planet,
The New Beginning points to previous Kryon work
that spoke of this unrest. . . even of the event we
call 9-11. ‘As go the Jews, go Earth,’ is what Kryon
said over and over. Now we get to see this played
out as the old energy is wrung out, and the new
energy is invited in. It’s not over till it’s over, and
there is so much promise presented here!

The New Jerusalem is about to be created!”

The Leading Edge Review
Summer 2002