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Tears and Laughter

  • Autor: Kahlil Gibran
  • Verlag: A Division of Philosophical Library
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Gebunden
  • Anzahl Seiten: 94
  • Jahrgang: 1949

  • Zustandsbeschreibung: Ecken und Kanten bestosseb, Umschlag leicht gebräunt
SFr. 8.00


Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet and many other famous works, is known throughout the world as the Immortal Prophet of Lebanon and the Savant of His Age.
This new, enlarged volume contains much of Gibran's magnificent poetry and various prose pieces which he wrote when scarcely twenty years old. Translated superbly into English from his beloved mother tongue, Arabic, these timeless writings reveal his remarkably mature grasp of a subject which has challanged philosophers throughout history until today - man's destiny and the meaning of his existence.
In this volume also is Gibran's heralded story, The Bride's Bed, a strange, gripping tale that is both a plea for individual liberty and an expression of his bitter condemnation of pre-arranged marriages of children by their parents. It is widely recognized that Gibran, through the razor-sharp attacks in this story and others like it, was responsible in great part for many social, political ans religious reforms throughout the East.