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Tesio Myth

  • ISBN13: 978-0851313887
  • Autor: Franco Varola
  • Verlag: Allen
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Gebunden
  • Einband / Schutzumschlag: mit Schutzumschlag
  • Anzahl Seiten: 303
  • Jahrgang: 1984

  • Zustandsbeschreibung:  Schutzumschlag mit kleinem Riss
SFr. 12.00


 In the latter field he started literally from childhood, following his fathers racing stable at Milan in the late 1920s and early 1930s, during which  period he was to observe closely Federico Tesio's operations which led to Nearco shortly before the second world war. 
From this advantageous position, Franco Varola gained an intimate knowledge of the Tesio horses and theircontemporaries.