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The Dice Man

  • ISBN10: 0007161212
  • ISBN13: 9780007161218
  • Autor: Luke Rhinehart
  • Verlag: Harper Collins Publishers
  • Zustand: Mässig
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Broschiert
  • Anzahl Seiten: 541
  • Jahrgang: 2003

  • Zustandsbeschreibung: Cover slightly touched, Edges slightly pushed, Pages strongly browned due to age
SFr. 4.00


The rules are all around you. The rules that stop you seducing your neigbour downstairs, that stop you hitting your boss, that stop you leaving your family and leaving the country. The rules that stop you living.

The dice don't do rules; the dice do life.

Luke Rhinehart is a psychiatrist, a husband and a father, his life locked down by routine and order - until he picks up the dice. The dice govern his every decision and each throw takes him further into a world of risk, discovery and freedom. As the cult of the dice grows around him the old order fades: chance becomes religion, the dice his god.

If you haven't lived the life of the dice, you haven't lived at all. So let the dice decide. And roll with it.