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Blaze the Farm dog

  • ISBN10: 3858822523
  • Autor: Lilly Langenegger
  • Verlag: Appenzeller Verlag
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Gebunden
  • Anzahl Seiten: unpaginiert
  • Jahrgang: 2001 3.Auflage)

SFr. 15.00


Eine Leseprobe:


Hooray! Today is the 13th of January, when New Year`s Eve is celebrand according to the old calender in Appenzellerland. He is awoken early in the morning by the sound of yodelling and the jingle-jangle of bells. This is an age-old custom in the hinterland of Appenzell, where  the New Year`s Eve mummers go round from house to house making lots of noise and wishing people a Happy New Year. In the afternoon, Ulli goes to visit his freind and of course Blaze goes too. The boys build an igloo aut of snow. Ulli`s older brother, Thomas, is coming home today. It isn`t far to the station, so in the evening Ulli and Blaze make their way there to meet Thomas. Ulli has been looking forward to seeing him again all week long.