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Death to Spies

  • ISBN10: 0312869304
  • Autor: Quinn Fawcett
  • Verlag: Forge
  • Zustand: Gut
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art: Gebunden
  • Einband / Schutzumschlag: mit Schutzumschlag
  • Anzahl Seiten: 397
  • Jahrgang: 2002

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It is the time of Philby, Burgess, and Maclean, a time when British Intelligence doesn't know whom to trust. A noble-man, a ranking member of the intelligence community, invades Ian Fleming's Jamaica idyll to enlist him in a secret investigation. As an outsider, using his journalist's credentials as cover, Fleming might be the only person able to discover who is stealing nuclear secrets from the U.S. and selling them to Stalin's Russia. At first, Fleming refuses to play this dangerous game, but when his visitor disappears under mysterious circumstances and Fleming's servants and his home become targets of violence, he must act.

As Fleming investigates in a hostile Los Alamos and meets a sexy, glamours, available woman, he imagines the technology that would make his job easier - powerful listening devices, pens that conceal cameras, and other gadgets familiar to fans of James Bond.